Michael Henderson
I correct grammar, syntax, punctuation, spellings and improve the flow of your work. I use more formal UK English. I communicate with you as I do your work.Dissertations
I correct grammar, syntax, punctuation, spellings and improve the flow of your work. I use more formal UK English. I communicate with you as I do your work.PhD theses, Proposals and posters
I correct grammar, syntax, punctuation, spellings and improve the flow of your work. I use more formal UK English. I communicate with you as I do your work.Presentations
I correct grammar, syntax, punctuation, spellings and improve the flow of your work. I use more formal UK English. I communicate with you as I do your work.Journal articles
I correct grammar, syntax, punctuation, spellings and improve the flow of your work. I use more formal UK English. I communicate with you as I do your work.CV/Resume
I can also help you to complete a new CV/Resume or update your existing one. Moreover, I can assist you with any forms of correspondence. I communicate with you as I do your work.Business documents and websites
I correct grammar, syntax, punctuation, spellings, etc., on both current and new websites. I use more formal UK English. I communicate with you as I do your work.Testimonials

I’m so happy. To work with you is a wonderful experience and I will work with you again when I have the opportunity, because you are a sincere person and you have extensive experience in this field. Thank you.
Shuruq Saudi Arabia

السيد مايكل من افضل الاشخاص الذين تعاملت معهم في مجال خدمة التصحيح والتدقيق اللغوي للنصوص الانكليزية. ويتميز السيد مايكل بانه يقوم بالتدقيق اللغوي العام، مراجعة القواعد، الاخطاء الاملاءية والنحوية، وعلامات الترقيم. اضافة الى الحرص على استخدام العبارات والمصطلحات المناسبة للغرص في النص اللغوي. ورغم ان خدمات السيد مايكل تمتاز بالدقة والحرفية الا ان سعر الخدمات التي يقدمها في مجال التدقيق اللغوي منافسة للغاية وتراعي حالة الشخص الطالب لهذه الخدمة. ان تقييمي لخدمات السيد مايكل هو نتيجة تعامل طويل واني انصح كل شخص يحتاج للتدقيق اللغوي ان يتواصل مع السيد مايكل. ومع تمنياتي بالتوفيق. طارق ناصيف/
Tareq Naseef Sweden

Michael provides a professional and very responsible proofreading service. He did incredible editing and proofreading on my Ph.D. thesis and several articles. He is the only one that I believe provides a high-quality proofreading service. I highly recommend him for both students and academic staff since he is able to improve the quality of the paper
Yandi Indonesia

Dear Michael, I would like to thank you for your excellent, efficient and, above all, helpful work. I noticed that you are very familiar with the subject and have good specialist knowledge, as well as your linguistic clarity, that was a very positive feature. Your quick work did not affect the quality. I got to know my own work again and was able to take a look at it from a neutral point of view
Nathalie Austria

I’d like to recommend Michael, as he works to a really high standard and has excellent proofreading skills. You will be very satisfied with his proofreading service. Michael puts his heart and soul into his work and business. It is clear by his professionalism and the output of his services